Consider Astrology
with Claudia Anfuso
Understand yourself in relation to time

Consider Astrology
Latin: con – with sider – star; considerare – to align with the stars, to examine.
Align with the sky.
Astrology can help us rediscover our natural trajectory. Everything that arises in the Universe, every thought, every emotion, every body, anything you can touch or see or smell or feel, has a trajectory, a unique expression.
Through reading the matrix of limitation energy we come into this life as astrology teaches us how to make the most of our destiny for own realization of happiness, our unfolding of spiritual awakening, and how we best we can work with others for a compassionate, beautiful, and harmonious universe. We can become conscious of how the light of awareness expresses through our lives, through our limitations, and therefore reabsorb it, transcend it, transform it and cancel it.
There is a natural order to the universe.
Meet the celestial patterns in the form.
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
– T.S. Eliot
Discover Your Trajectory
We arise as a temporary experience of human life in the x-y-z axis of space and in the linear progression of time – that placement in time and space is unique and never can be repeated again. That placement has unique characteristics, a unique destiny, unique qualities, skills, potentialities, in fact there is a unique future awaiting each and every one of us.
Con-sider etymologically means “with the stars”, (con – with; sider – stars) and involves becoming aware of the patterned movement of the Universe so that we may find our intimate place in such a vast design. To consider, to think carefully about and contemplate upon our destiny pattern can help us avoid unnecessary dis-aster, or “going against the stars” in our life.
We are born to fit within the grand scheme of things, yet we take ourselves out, we make ourselves not fit in some way by searching for an identity which is actually in some way already inherent within us as one with nature. The utility of astrology and other divination methods is that they gives us a deep understanding of the potential ways that we limit our energy of unlimited love and awareness. For anyone with years of self-reflection, what is in an astrology chart is self-evident. Until we really know ourselves, we can help ourselves with these tools.

Read the Testimonials
See what students and clients have to say about their experiences with Consider Astrology.