Hasta Sāmudrika Śāstra

Your Destiny in Your Hands

Image by Penabranca

Reading the Body

Hasta Sāmudrika Śāstra, or the analysis of hand signs, is part of the ancient sacred Indian art of analyzing the body both as a whole and in its various parts. In Hasta, markings on the hand are deemed to be indications of movements in nature. They are symbols, to those that have eyes to see and ears to hear, that indicate what the trajectory of one’s life is likely to be in this lifetime. They are portents, omens, than encode tendencies, talents, health, psychology and circumstances of our life. The human hand becomes a mirror of the trajectory awareness takes through the human form.
Why the hand? Modern science supports what the sages of times past have always known: that the human hand, relative to other body parts, has the greatest area of cerebral cortex devoted to it. That means that more than any other body part, the hand and its sensory (input) and motor (output) functioning is closely related to how we operate in the world and how our brain works.
Once a language of interpretation is assimilated, Hasta Sāmudrika becomes a means to access adṛṣṭa.  Adṛṣṭa is the unseen influence that affects everything. It is the karmic blueprint that influences and subtly colors our every perception and action. Just as with the force of gravity, there are pervasive cosmic patterns that we don’t see yet exist and are tremendously influential in our lives. These patterns cumulatively become karma. Karma simply means action. This does not mean that our lives are predestined, that there is no choice and everything is how it’s supposed to be. Instead, we have the ability to co-participate in deciding the attainment of a destination, in creating our destiny.

The Mirror of Hands

Getting real about our lives means getting real about level of adṛṣṭa in our lives and what we own as patterns. How can we see that which is invisible? How can the eye know the eye? We can only know adṛṣṭa through darpaṇa, through reflection in a mirror. Through reflection, that which is unseeable becomes dṛṣṭa, seeable.  When used objectively, a mirror helps us see ourselves. Not to avoid what we see, neither to identify with it, but to use the vision of these patterns to comprehend that which is anyways already in movement within us .

Look through the mirror of your ever changing and transforming hands.

Sessions with me combine a study of your hands with an in-depth exploration of your astrology chart.

Encouraged by my teacher Hart de Fouw, I also delight in teaching palmistry basics and workshops to those who are curious about this sacred art of reading and interpreting destiny through the patterns in the hands. These can be conducted in person or online.

Contact me for more information.

Image by Penabranca

Curious about the language spoken by hands?

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