1/8 Hasta: Indian Palmistry

1/8 Hasta: Indian Palmistry

Hasta Sāmudrika Śāstra, also known as ‘Hasta,’ is the ancient Vedic science of hand analysis, or palmistry. In Hasta, the structure of the hand along with its lines and markings are interpreted as symbols that indicate the likely trajectory of one’s path in this...
2/8 The Earth Hand

2/8 The Earth Hand

We begin our exploration of hand types with the hands that build our world and till our fields, the hands that are not afraid of hard work and that love the outdoors: the strong hands dominated by the earth element. Earth is cold, solid, heavy, hard, and rigid. These...
3/8 The Water Hand

3/8 The Water Hand

Spring arrives, melting the mountain snows and ice into water that flows deeply and nourishes the land. Just as water permeates and nourishes our world, those with water hands are magnanimous and thoughtful towards others. The water-hand type accommodates, adapts, and...