
Patterns of Awareness

I offer consultations over the internet to anywhere in the world. In our time together, I will draw from my experience in various divination sciences and old world bodies of wisdom, and anything else that seems pertinent to powerfully supporting you and your path. I am committed to helping you identify, strengthen, and manifest the flow of your life. I help you reconnect to the current of life that flows as you. 
It is my intent that you step out of our time together fully empowered to keep growing into the knowledge of your destiny pattern. True change occurs when you reach forward and understand your chart/destiny pattern as a starting point for acceptance, transformation, and infinite compassion for yourself and others. That is the power of the inner light that illumines all.
Image by Penabranca
Image by Penabranca

Types of Sessions Available

Initial consultations

Vedic Astrology combined with Palmistry

The journey of self-discovery begins with an initial consultation. These sessions include a mapping out of major life themes, abilities, strengths and weaknesses, life purpose, direction, and major life transitions.

They also include details of where you are in time, how current transits affect your journey, and predictions about what the future may bring. My goal is to help you gain understanding about how your unique manifestation interacts with the cycles of nature and time so you may gain greater acceptance of what is, and blossom into your life.

Life themes covered can include family, education, profession, finances, relationships, marriage, children, travel, re-locations, spirituality … and any other topic you want to explore.

For best results from our time together, you will be invited to submit questions that are relevant for you at present and areas of your life that you would like the session to focus on. This is a standard starting point for us to work together.

Initial consultation:
$208 for 60 minutes

Contact me to set up an appointment.


For returning clients, I offer shorter follow-up consults for general updates or with a focus to address specific questions.

Many clients benefit from follow-up sessions to check back in with their astrology and how their natal charts interact with the ever-changing cosmic landscape.

A session can also serve as a powerful grounding resource when we find ourselves at the crossroads of life. Astrology can shed some light on our situation so that we may cultivate our own awareness, our own discriminating wisdom in that moment.

$108 for 30 minutes
$180 for 60 minutes

Compatibility Session

What are the patterns of conditioning that relationships trigger for me? What are the stretegies I bring to bear upon relating? What are the patterns, instead, of my partner? How can we best support each other? What are our combined strengths and areas where we want to invite greater awareness and skill cultivation?

Jyotish is a powerful lens to assess compatibility between potential or existing relationship partners, be that romantic or professional.  The insight provided by a compatibility reading paves the path for successful, meaningful, and healthy relating and intimacy. It can also help uncover hidden and powerful dynamics in a relationship, and provide valuable insight into how to work consciously with them

Compatibility sessions: $240
Duration: 90-minutes
(Please enquire for shorter tailor-made sessions.)

Picking Auspicious Times

Do you want your book launch to be a success? Are you wanting to maximize your chances for a successful job interview? When should you send in your loan application? When is the best time for you to go into retreat? What is a supportive day to get married on? Astrology can be a powerful tool to help you align with the larger waves of destiny. Just as you would plant a seed  at the right time to give it the best chances to sprout, so in life the onset and start times of our undertakings will offer long-lasting coloring to how that activity unfolds in the fabric of time and space. Good start … good ending! Long considered one of the strengths of the Indian science of astrology, muhūrta, is a highly specialized branch dedicated just to that: maximizing your chances of success in commencing new activities.

More about Muhūrta

Pricing for these consultations vary depending on the specifics of the situation. Please contact me for more information. 

If you don’t see what you are looking for listed above, contact me for more details

Image by Penabranca
Image by Penabranca

Making the Most of Your Session

Jyotiṣa and Hasta (hand analysis) are maps, and maps are to be used to navigate better. Maps are used to get us where we want to go, but not to nail life down. Life remains an adventure. A consultation can help as a life map by generally indicating broad features, and by specifically indicating turns in the road. I am not there to make decisions for you, just to point out certain facts so that based on hearing those facts you are able to make the best decision yourself.

As much as possible, I will empower you to understand your own map and how to use it to navigate better. Like a mirror, these insights can help us objectively see where we are and allow us to get real about our situation. What are the unseen influences at play in your life, and how can your decision-making process lead you to greater and greater flexibility, awareness, and a positive effect in the world? There is no power greater than the knowledge of ourselves.

You are the captain of your own ship.

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See what students and clients have to say about their experiences with Consider Astrology.

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