
I’m still a little bit in awe at the accuracy of your reading of my chart (or at least of my life). It has given me a lot to consider and confirmed a lot of the thoughts I’ve had over the past couple of years about where I create the most karma in my life. I was excited about starting to learn some Jyotish before our reading and I’m a lot more excited now. (Perhaps I’m also a lot more convinced about how an accurate reading can really open up a person’s eyes to the patterns of their own experience.) I’ve had a couple of readings with other astrologers but have never felt so acutely pierced by their insights of me – it was like your reading was a translation of my innermost thoughts and urges.
Dear Claudia – Thank you very much for your time and expertise. I feel blessed getting to sit with you. You have a beautiful delivery in gently and lovingly talking about my strengths and areas that need improving. Thank you! I felt very comfortable talking with you about such personal matters. It was like working with a therapist who’s known me and my tendencies for a very long time. I’ve been looking for the tools to let go and move on. Thank you very much for helping me in that area. Things are already shifting in my life.
I just wanted to say how much I appreciated and enjoyed our reading on Friday. I’ve been thinking about it for the past two days, talking about it with my wife, and it feels like it has been changing things already for me. Even though I have certainly had very helpful astrological readings in the past, I don’t think I’ve felt as fully seen and supported by a reading and practitioner in a long time. And I have no doubt that the reading will continue to work its way through me. I will definitely follow up at some point in the future with other questions, and I will also enthusiastically recommend you to anyone else who might be interested in readings.
Let me thank you again for your reading which really touched me deeply.
There are many things actually I could write back, since so much resonated with me and the current situation really profits from your advice and your strong words.
I came across this e-mail and just wanted to take a moment to thank you for such an amazing reading last year. I went through my notes again and again and found that you were 100% right on about EVERYTHING. The reading ended up being incredibly helpful on so many levels.
I am profoundly grateful.
Just wanted to thank you for the last reading you did for me. I really feel like I’m on my nadi (parenting/mothering), even more so with 2 kids now- and I keep hearing you say, “just because it may feel inconvenient at times, doesn’t mean I’m not supposed to be doing it”. I am very grateful for your wisdom.
Thank you!
That was really fun!
I spent so many years searching, struggling with so many of the issues that came up, but feel so validated that my choices have been in sync with my intuition and the planetssss… thank you for such a clear and concise reading.
Again, thank you so much for doing this reading with us. I am amazed as to how helpful and useful it was and will continue to be in application. Multiple projections I’ve made towards my partner were revealed during this reading, and I feel like I am actually seeing HIM more accurately now than ever before…thank you:) It also opened up a doorway into different areas that we felt, but couldn’t quite see, in regards to our path compatibility, relationship dynamics, etc…this new clarity will definitely help us as we learn and begin to refine our relationship skills.
You are so very gifted. You clearly delivered the first Vedic reading that delivered me accurately to myself. First. brilliant! You are so very excellent at this. I am joyfully grateful beyond words & laughter for all direction and refinement of direction, validation, dispelling.
Thank you for offering such insight and clarity that comes from deep, rigorous study and dedication. I appreciate you so much!
I look forward to the next time we drop in… it feels really good to check in every 6 months to a year or so with the astrological chart… it has been such a blessing in my life and am so grateful to all those before us who have studied, prayed, payed attention, and passed down this knowledge box of tools.
I really enjoyed the reading today and I think it has already helped me figure out the next steps. You are really good at what you do.
Today my time with you was so valuable and useful. I’m feeling fueled with some new knowledge, and calmer already. THANK YOU.
Thanks again for the reading it has been very helpful as I work to relax into what is good and natural.
Thank you so much Claudia! I am so entirely appreciative of everything you’ve given me through this process. It’s has impacted me in ways I can’t even begin to express and I’m filled with eternal gratitude!
Classes & Workshops
I can’t tell you how impressed I was with Claudia’s presentation – both in content, visual beauty and flowing delivery. She has a very clever, clear, clean way of handling some of the material that was always a bear to get across to visually challenged people like me.
Thank you for sharing so much. You did a great job, allowing the sampradaya to teach.
It was really amazing to be there for this wonderful teaching. I think you’re a great teacher. I like your teaching style and feel you really got across a lot of information in a way that people could respond to and relate to and apply on each other’s hands.
Also, I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the 2-day workshop. You are a very good teacher; there was a wealth of material and you managed to cover all of it, without either you or the material seeming rushed. Several of us have commented on it that day and since, and on your patience with questions and the clarity you brought to the topic. I thank you for that; a good teacher makes all the difference when learning something new.
I look forward to doing more work with you.
Just wanted to thank you SO MUCH!!!!! You’re such a generous mesmerizing gifted teacher…
I’ve been reviewing my notes from your workshop and am so impressed at what a good teacher you are! You really got us to think in terms of combining things – just like we do as astrologers. You were great.